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Senate Policies

Policies and Other Documents Approved/Received by Senate 


At the bottom of this page is a list of Senate-approved documents and academic policies as well as other documents which Senate received for approval or information.  Only​ current documents are directly accessible here. Those under review or revision are available to members of the Mount community through the University intranet site. Specific queries may be directed to the Secretary of Senate. 

Originating Bodies/Committees (and their associated abbreviations) responsible for maintaining the individual policies are listed below: 

Committee Responsible for the Policy​​ ​
Committee Responsible for the Policy
​​Academic Appeals Committee​​
Nominations Committee
Committee on Academic Policy and Planning​​
​​​ CAPP
Senate Executive
Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators​​
Student Discipline Appeals Committee
Committee on Information Technology and Services
Student Experience Committee
Committee on Research and Publications
Student Judicial Committee
Committee on Teaching and Learning
Undergraduate Admissions, Scholarships and Awards Committee 
Graduate Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards Committee
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Graduate Studies Program and Policy Committee
University Research Ethics Board
Library and Archives Committee
Writing Initiatives Committee
If you wish to speak directly to the Senate Secretary, Prof. Paula Crouse, regarding the Mount's Senate or its policies, please contact her by telephone at (902) 457-6106 or by email at  To learn more about the Mount's Senate, please visit:
Note:  The policies below are listed alphabetically; however, if you would like to filter by specific criteria, simply hover your mouse over the heading at the top of the column you wish to filter.  A drop box will appear; click on the down arrow and choose the criteria you wish to filter by.

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.pdfAcademic Accommodations for Students with DisabilitiesCAPP 2017-01CAPP5/24/20232023-May
Academic Appeals Policy.pdfAcademic Appeals PolicyCAPP11/26/2007
Academic Implications of a Significant Disruption of Operations.pdfAcademic Implications of a Significant Disruption of OperationsEX 2012-02EX10/29/20122024-Jan
Academic Standing Policy (Graduate Studies).pdfAcademic Standing Policy (Graduate Studies)GSPP 2013 01GSPP3/10/20232023-Mar
Accommodation of Students' Religious and Spiritual Observances.pdfAccommodation of Students' Religious and Spiritual ObservancesCAPP 2014 02CAPP10/2/20202020-Oct
Adjunct Professor Policy.pdfAdjunct Professor PolicyCAPP 2013 01CAPP1/29/20212021-Jan
Conflict of Interest in Research.pdfConflict of Interest in ResearchCRP 2020-02CRP10/2/20202024-May
Conflict of Interest Policy (Guidelines for Researchers).pdfConflict of Interest Policy (Guidelines for Researchers)CRP3/8/2010
Course Outline Policy.pdfCourse Outline PolicyCAPP 2016-02CAPP9/30/20162016-Sep
Cross-listed (Graduate) Course Policy.pdfCross-listed (Graduate) Course PolicyCAPP 2012-01CAPP11/26/20122023-Sept
Cross-Listed Course Policy.pdfCross-Listed Course PolicyUCC-2012-01UCC3/26/20122024-Apr
Discontinuation of Academic Programs (Policy and Procedures).pdfDiscontinuation of Academic Programs (Policy and Procedures)CAPP 2021-01CAPP3/26/20212021-Mar
Emeritus Status.pdfEmeritus StatusCAPTPAA 2019-01CAPTPAA4/26/20192019-Apr
Environmental Policy Statement.pdfEnvironmental Policy StatementCampus Planning3/10/2022
Evaluation and Grading.pdfEvaluation and GradingCAPP5/27/1995
External Reviews of Academic Programs.pdfExternal Reviews of Academic ProgramsCAPP 2019-01CAPP4/26/20192019-Apr
Faculty Release Time Awards.pdfFaculty Release Time AwardsCRP 2012-01 (CRP.POL.007)CRP3/29/20192024-May
Final Examinations.pdfFinal ExaminationsCAPP 2022-01CAPP9/23/20222022-Sep
Graduate Certificates and Diplomas, Policy and Procedures.pdfGraduate Certificates and Diplomas, Policy and ProceduresGSPPC 2015 01GSPP10/2/20202020-Oct
Graduate Preparatory Program Requirements Policy.pdfGraduate Preparatory Program Requirements PolicyGSPP 2014 01GSPP4/28/20142014-Apr
Guidelines for Honours at Graduation.pdfGuidelines for Honours at GraduationOther4/28/2014
Independent and Directed Study Courses.pdfIndependent and Directed Study CoursesCAPP10/23/20152022-Oct
Leave of Absence Provision for Graduate Students.pdfLeave of Absence Provision for Graduate StudentsCAPP12/5/2005
Library Acquisitions Budget Policy.pdfLibrary Acquisitions Budget PolicySCOLA 2023-02SLC4/30/20122023-Oct
MOU Post Secondary Institutions.pdfMOU Post Secondary InstitutionsCAPP 2014 03CAPP10/2/20202020 Oct
New and Modified Academic Programs, Policy and Procedures.pdfNew and Modified Academic Programs, Policy and ProceduresCAPP 2016-01CAPP10/27/20172017-Oct
Non-Academic Discipline Policy.pdfNon-Academic Discipline PolicySE-2012-01SE11/25/20222022-Nov
Open Access Policy.pdfOpen Access PolicySCOLA 2023-01 SLC5/24/20232023-May
Policy on Policies.pdfPolicy on PoliciesEX10/25/20242024-Oct
Policy Template.docxPolicy TemplateEX
Posthumous Degrees (Guidelines for Granting).pdfPosthumous Degrees (Guidelines for Granting)CAPP1/31/2005
Recognizing Prior Learning (Graduate Admissions).pdfRecognizing Prior Learning (Graduate Admissions)GSPPC 2013-02GSPP4/29/20132024-May
Research Ethics Compliance.pdfResearch Ethics ComplianceUREB 2012-02 (REB.POL.003)UREB3/26/20122024-Nov
Research Ethics Policy for Research Involving Human Participants.pdfResearch Ethics Policy for Research Involving Human ParticipantsUREB-2012-01 (REB.POL.001)UREB11/29/20242024-Nov
Responsible Conduct of Research (Policy on).pdfResponsible Conduct of Research (Policy on)CRP 2020 01 CRP4/29/20222022-Oct
Suspension (temporary) of Admission in Academic Programs.pdfSuspension (temporary) of Admission in Academic ProgramsCAPP3/8/2010
Teaching Excellence Awards Form.docxTeaching Excellence Awards FormSCOTL
Teaching Timetable Policy.pdfTeaching Timetable PolicyCAPP 2012-01CAPP12/12/20122023-Oct
Visiting Professor Policy.pdfVisiting Professor PolicyCAPP 2013 02CAPP2/26/20212021-Feb
Academic Calendar Dates (Guidelines for Setting).pdfAcademic Calendar Dates (Guidelines for Setting)CAPP4/29/20222022-Apr
Academic Plan 2014.pdfAcademic Plan 2014CAPP1/27/2014
Alexa McDonough Institute for Women Gender and Social Justice.pdfAlexa McDonough Institute for Women Gender and Social JusticeCAPP3/28/2011
Calendar Review Guidelines.pdfCalendar Review GuidelinesEX2024-May5/22/2024
Canada Research Chairs - Strategic Research Plan.pdfCanada Research Chairs - Strategic Research PlanCRP3/29/2010
Early Career Research Award.pdfEarly Career Research AwardCRP1/25/2019
Graduation List Procedures.pdfGraduation List ProceduresEX2022-Apr4/29/2022
Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities.pdfJarislowsky Chair in Learning DisabilitiesCAPP10/27/2008
Name for Mount Teams.pdfName for Mount TeamsSE1/31/1983
Nancy's Chair Terms of Reference.pdfNancy's Chair Terms of ReferenceCAPP9/27/2019
Research Data Management.pdfResearch Data ManagementCRP10/02/2020
Research Excellence Award.pdfResearch Excellence AwardCRP9/23/20222022-Sept
Research Plan.pdfResearch PlanCRP1/27/2023
Senate Award for University Governance.pdfSenate Award for University GovernanceEX11/27/2020
Senate ByLaws.pdfSenate ByLawsSenate1/31/20252025-Jan
SNC Procedures.pdfSNC ProceduresSNC9/25/2015
Staffing Principles and Criteria.pdfStaffing Principles and CriteriaCAPP11/29/2019
Student Guidelines for Conduct in a Virtual Environment.pdfStudent Guidelines for Conduct in a Virtual EnvironmentSE2/26/2021
Student Ratings of Instruction - Lab Instructors.pdfStudent Ratings of Instruction - Lab InstructorsSCOTL11/25/2013
Student Ratings of Instruction.pdfStudent Ratings of InstructionSCOTL5/2/2003
Teaching and Learning Plan.pdfTeaching and Learning PlanSCOTL3/31/2014
Teaching Excellence Awards.pdfTeaching Excellence AwardsSCOTL

​Last Updated: November 13, 2023